Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Kitty!

Meet River, our new kitty! She is about 6 weeks old and tiny. She is such a snuggle bug. Alexandria wants to play and be rough, but River just wants to sleep and snuggle.
Welcome to the family Professor River!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our Potty Training Journey

     When Alexandria was about 14 months old, she became very interested in the potty. We would always take her in with us when we had to go. She was to scared to sit on the big girl potty, so we got her her own. It was the pink Fisher Price Royal Potty, and it played a little tune when she would go. She did great within the first couple weeks, but then we moved. That threw her off again. It took a while to get back on track. She would always poop in the potty, and would pee when we sat her there after waking up because she always woke up dry.
     On March 2, 2014, we decided to really go for completely potty training. She was 2 years and 4 months old. I made her a potty chart and she got a sticker every time she went potty. We threw away all the diapers and switched her exclusively to panties. Yes, she had a few accidents the first couple days but got the hang of it very quickly. She was down to about 3 accidents a week by the 24th.
     Now here it is a month later, and she rarely has accidents. She is always dry at night and even tells us she has to go when we are not at home. We got her a portable potty ring so she didn't fall into the big potty.
     The biggest thing to remember is to never discipline them when they have an accident. You have to remember that this is something new to them and it is very confusing. We let them go 2 years thinking it is okay to just go in their diaper and then we expect them to turn around and stop doing it suddenly.
     Good luck in your potty training journey! Let me know if our way worked for you.

Conversations with My Two Year Old

Me: “Alexandria, don’t put your cup on the couch, it spilled all over me!”
Baby Butt: “but bear told me too!”

Damn teddy bear, don’t tell my baby girl to do bad things!

"What do you want for lunch?"
“Mac and cheese! Mac and cheese soooo good. I love it!”
“Lol okay, I’ll make you Mac and cheese.”
“Thank you Momma! I love you! You’re awesome.”

Aw, Baby Butt, I love you!

Baby Butt: *a string of gabber accompanied by a very serious face*
Me: Um… okay…?
Baby Butt: *runs off like she is on a very important mission*

Uh… what did I just agree to???

Snuggling with Alexandria on the couch. Me: “I love you!”
Alexandria: “I love fruit bars!”

Oh, good to know that you love food more than me…


*Alexandria points at an instrument *
A: What’s that?
Me: An Oboe
A: *gasp* I have an elbow! Look!

*Shows me her elbow*

About Me!

      Hello blogging world! I'm Sarah Wonderstruck. I am 22 years old. I have been married 3 years, to my best friend Rob. We have a 2 year old, Alexandria, who is my whole world.
     I love being crafty. I make my own body and hair products, and all of my own cleaning supply's. I make bows and tutus for Alexandria.
     I am geeky! I love playing video games. My favorite franchises are Silent Hill, Resident Evil and InFAMOUS.
     My favorite shows are Supernatural and Doctor Who. I also have an obsession with teen dramas; Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Pretty Little Liars, ect.

Hope you enjoy my blog.